Thursday, November 13, 2008

The birth of a,seriously, don't walk away!

Hey, reader. You are looking at the first post of Diet Cherry Cola, the blog of multi-billionaire MMO player extraordinaire William Kamar, AKA Hakaishin.

Or not.

At the time of writing, its more like William Kamar, ADD spaz who can't stay focused on a character long enough to find a WoW guild that'll take him on their Kara runs.

I'm not a bad player. I just can't stay focused long enough to do anything that takes time, like join a raiding guild or get a decent arena rating or repair my gear...

Wait, maybe I am a bad player.

But that doesn't mean I can't advise OTHER players who have something resembling an attention span. I know the ins and outs of MMOs better than half the players who've downed Illidan or killed the Chaos king. The same goes for every game I play. And what I don't know, I can learn. And what I can learn, I can teach.

So here we go. Lets get this started.

If I can't be Luke Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenobi isn't too bad, right?


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