Saturday, November 15, 2008

Warcraft Leveling: Leveling and Farming as a Rogue

As promised yesterday, here is the second installment of Diet Cherry Cola's Warcraft Leveling on the topic of Rogues. Remember, if you enjoy this blog, make sure to subscribe to my RSS feed on the right side of the page!

Warcraft Leveling DCC Style: Leveling and Farming as a Rogue

Yesterday, I gave you my ideal leveling spec for Rogues. However, some of you may not know how to play a Combat Rogue effectively, so I'll go over the basic techniques used while Leveling or Farming as a Rogue.

First, lets cover some super-basic stuff.

1.ALWAYS KEEP SLICE AND DICE UP. Seriously, WAY too many Rogues ignore this. Slice and Dice is worth more DPS than anything else you could be doing 99% of the time. Not using it is SEVERELY gimping you.

2.Your main hand weapon should be the highest average min/max damage weapon you can find, NOT the highest DPS. For your offhand, you want the highest dps weapon you can get under 1.6ish speed. Generally, while leveling, this means you will be mainhanding a Mace and offhanding a dagger. You will get more options as you get into Burning Crusade content, but this is pretty much the rule until then. So make sure to grab your mace training as soon as possible.

3.Keep your poisons up! Also, for leveling or farming, unlike raiding, you will usually kill the enemy too soon for the effect of Deadly Poison to reach its potential. So I recommend Double Instant for normal enemies.

4.Keep your gear updated! Seriously, even if this is your first character, you should be able to keep geared up in greens and the occasional blue and still get your mounts as long as you sell every non-food white or better item you find. I recommend creating a level 1 alt to sit at the mailbox in a major city, and just mailing all your crap too him any time you are near a box. Use him to post all the crap. As for WHAT gear to get...I'd make sure you have just enough Stam that the best food item will mostly fill your bar, otherwise go for pure AP while leveling: Agi and Str are worth 1 AP each as a Rogue, so "Of the Tiger" and "Of Power" items are your best bet. Use "Of the Monkey" greens if you need the extra health.

Ok, now, on to how to actually fight enemies. Most of your Rogue career will play the same.

1.Stealth up and open with Garrote. Only use Cheap Shot if you need the extra SnD time the 2 points give compared to the 1 point, or you are taking too much damage.

2.Slice and Dice.

3.Spam Sinister Strike. Most enemies will die before the next step.

4 a. If they are at or above 65% health, wait until you have 5 CP then use Rupture.

b. If they are below 65% health, wait until you have 3 CP then use Eviscerate.

c. Use Slice and Dice if the damage from Eviscerate/Rupture won't kill it and Slice and Dice is about to drop.

Now, as you gain levels, you will gain several new abilities from Talent points. Use these abilites as often as their cooldowns allow. Don't do something stupid like use Adrenaline Rush on an enemy that's halfway dead, but otherwise use them as often as possible. When possible, pull an extra mob when you are about to use Blade Flurry to get optimum efficiency. And if your Killing Spree is doing more damage than one mob can survive, grab another.

This doesn't just apply to Talent abilities, by the way. Use your trinkets and defensive abilities too. Evasion will reduce the damage you take, leading to less downtime. And it will even increase your DPS once you get Unfair Advantage! Even Sprint can be useful, allowing you to get to the next mob quicker, maybe while AR or BF is still active.

That's all so far. If you have any additional questions about Leveling and Farming as a Rogue, or maybe a few tips of your own, or have a topic to suggest, make sure and leave a comment!

Tomorrow I'll likely write a entry on the subject of Shamans, so look forward to it!


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Friday, November 14, 2008

Warcraft Leveling: The Best Rogue Leveling Spec

This is the pilot for a ongoing series I'm doing on various aspects of leveling Warcraft characters.

Some will be just a few broad tips, others will be in-depth spec analysis and the like. So, without further ado, here is

Warcraft Leveling DCC Style: The Best Rogue Leveling Spec

Way too many new Rogue players are woefully incompetent at choosing talents for leveling. This is at least partially Blizzard's fault, as Rogues are suggested to be dagger wielding thief-types that strike from the shadows, leading many players to focus on Assassination and Subtlety specs. The problem is, all these things are sub-optimal for leveling.

Here are a few tips to starting players.

Spec Combat. For a Rogue leveling spec there, there is no other option. I recommend the following order, as of WotLK launch:

2 Imp. Sinister Strike
5 Duel Wield Spec.
5 Precision
2 Imp Slice and Dice
1 Deflection
5 Aggression
1 Blade Flurry

Here, you'll have to decide whether to go Mace or Sword Spec. Maces are almost always better weapons while leveling, but Sword Spec is mathematically superior as a spec.

I actually tend to just put a few points in other talents like Lightning Reflexes, Deflection, Endurance, Riposte, etc., so I can just grab the best weapon I can without overthinking the math. Anyways, as soon as it becomes available, grab

2 Weapon Expertise
2 Blade Twisting
1 more Weapon/Utility Spec
3 Vitality
1 Adrenaline Rush
1 more Weapon/Utility Spec
5 Combat Potency
1 Surprise Attacks
2 Unfair Advantage
2 Savage Combat
5 Prey on the Weak
1 Killing Spree

This covers the Combat talents you will need while leveling.
If your enemies are lasting past your first Eviscerate, I'd grab 5/5 Relentless Strikes from Subtlety. Then get from Assassination get

5 Malice

It then gets vague, depending on your preferred opener, whether they are surviving long enough for Finisher-based talents to be worth getting, etc, etc. Definitely get Vigor and max Lethality. Finally, finish your build with Vile Poisons and Improved Poisons.

That's all. Note that the Assassination talent Malice is probably worth getting far earlier than I mentioned. And cooldown abilities like Adrenaline Rush, Blade Flurry, Killing Spree,etc, are only helpful if you use them as often as possible, and as effectively as possible. So this isn't necessarily the best Rogue leveling spec for YOU, but it should be close. For me, it works.

The last thing to note is that this is the (my) best Rogue leveling spec, and is not the best for any endgame content.

I'll describe the ideal playstyle using this spec for leveling, along with some more beginner rogue tips, in tomorrow's Warcraft Leveling DCC Style entry.


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Thursday, November 13, 2008

So, WotLK is a leveling guide yet?

So, WotLK launched today. And we all know the first thought on everyone's mind.

Not, "Is the new content up to par?"

Not,"What new and exciting challenges will raiders and pvpers alike find in this new world?"

Not,"Aren't all those Death Knight gnomes REALLY FRICKIN' ANNOYING?"

No, the thought is, "God, where can I get a leveling guide? I don't have time to waste 'exploring' this frosty hellhole!"

So how long are you going to wait get your new leveling guide for WotLK? Actually, if you play Horde, you won't have to wait at all. Mancow AKA Joana, of Joana's Horde Leveling Guide, has been playing the beta, and his new guide for WotLK is already out.

For those of you unfamiliar with his work, Joana's Horde leveling guide is considered one of, if not THE, best leveling guides for Horde players. Joana made the original run to 60 in under 5 days /played, back when most players were struggling to make it in 10. And he did the same again when Burning Crusade came out.

Ask any super-fast leveling horde player how they level so quickly, and 9/10 will tell you they use Joana's guide. Its never out of date for long-hell, Joana even updated for the recent 3.0 "Echoes of Doom" patch, despite the fact that the patch only mattered for a month.

And guess what? Joana's 70-80 WotLK leveling guide looks to be just as good as his original guides.

So if you need a WotLK leveling guide and play Horde....Joana's got you covered from day one.

By the time you'll be reading this, I'll have already grabbed my I guess I'll see you at 80.

Hopefully you won't be too far behind me. ;D

(For those of you wondering, I play both sides on different servers. And while I have an appreciation bordering on fetish for Draenei chicks, I'm a Hordie at heart.)


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The birth of a,seriously, don't walk away!

Hey, reader. You are looking at the first post of Diet Cherry Cola, the blog of multi-billionaire MMO player extraordinaire William Kamar, AKA Hakaishin.

Or not.

At the time of writing, its more like William Kamar, ADD spaz who can't stay focused on a character long enough to find a WoW guild that'll take him on their Kara runs.

I'm not a bad player. I just can't stay focused long enough to do anything that takes time, like join a raiding guild or get a decent arena rating or repair my gear...

Wait, maybe I am a bad player.

But that doesn't mean I can't advise OTHER players who have something resembling an attention span. I know the ins and outs of MMOs better than half the players who've downed Illidan or killed the Chaos king. The same goes for every game I play. And what I don't know, I can learn. And what I can learn, I can teach.

So here we go. Lets get this started.

If I can't be Luke Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenobi isn't too bad, right?


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