Thursday, November 13, 2008

So, WotLK is a leveling guide yet?

So, WotLK launched today. And we all know the first thought on everyone's mind.

Not, "Is the new content up to par?"

Not,"What new and exciting challenges will raiders and pvpers alike find in this new world?"

Not,"Aren't all those Death Knight gnomes REALLY FRICKIN' ANNOYING?"

No, the thought is, "God, where can I get a leveling guide? I don't have time to waste 'exploring' this frosty hellhole!"

So how long are you going to wait get your new leveling guide for WotLK? Actually, if you play Horde, you won't have to wait at all. Mancow AKA Joana, of Joana's Horde Leveling Guide, has been playing the beta, and his new guide for WotLK is already out.

For those of you unfamiliar with his work, Joana's Horde leveling guide is considered one of, if not THE, best leveling guides for Horde players. Joana made the original run to 60 in under 5 days /played, back when most players were struggling to make it in 10. And he did the same again when Burning Crusade came out.

Ask any super-fast leveling horde player how they level so quickly, and 9/10 will tell you they use Joana's guide. Its never out of date for long-hell, Joana even updated for the recent 3.0 "Echoes of Doom" patch, despite the fact that the patch only mattered for a month.

And guess what? Joana's 70-80 WotLK leveling guide looks to be just as good as his original guides.

So if you need a WotLK leveling guide and play Horde....Joana's got you covered from day one.

By the time you'll be reading this, I'll have already grabbed my I guess I'll see you at 80.

Hopefully you won't be too far behind me. ;D

(For those of you wondering, I play both sides on different servers. And while I have an appreciation bordering on fetish for Draenei chicks, I'm a Hordie at heart.)


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