Monday, September 28, 2009

Buy AION Online Kinah From the First Sellers

The newest top tier online gaming experience, AION Online, has launched its North American servers. Hundreds of thousands of players are logging in and beginning a new MMO experience from NCSoft, creators of several of the most popular multiplayer roleplaying games of all time. But not everyone enjoys leveling, and many are always on the lookout for any way to reduce the work in their game.

So it’s no surprise people are already looking to buy AION Online Kinah. Kinah is the games ‘gold’, and having it will make your journey easier in almost every way. But where can you buy currency for such a new game? No doubt there are any number of disreputable sites selling, but how about top notch sites? This article will talk about two top end currency sites that are answering the call and supplying AION kinah.

The first high quality site to answer the call is the always popular SwagVault. This large MMO currency seller supplies gold, plat, and more for a ton of popular MMOs, and with AION Online set to be a major competitor for World of Warcraft, it’s no wonder they are adding it to their list of supported games. SwagVault is known for fair pricing, good service, and safe transactions. A good all around site to do your make you early AION purchases from, and likely to be one of the best even years from now.

The second site I’ll mention has been a bit slower to get their AION online sales up and going, but for a site as dedicated to excellence as IGE that is no surprise. This gold site is my personal favorite, and I do most of my purchases from them when I can. They have universally low prices, and maintain seemingly limitless supplies of gold. Be sure to check them out, because they are launching their AION sales soon and maybe by the time you are reading this they will be ready. If not, of course, SwagVault is almost as good.

I hope this has helped you out some. No doubt there are other good gold sites that have hopped on the AION bandwagon, but these two are sites I have personally used for years and had great results will. So I feel like I can really offer a whole-hearted recommendation for these two sites for anyone looking to buy AION Online Kinah in these early months of the game’s life.

If you want to read comparison reviews and more about currency sites, check out my blog, where I talk about everything from the best WoW Gold Sites to the first places you can buy AION Kinah when it launches.


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