Monday, September 28, 2009

Good WoW Gold Sites - Which Sites Should I Buy From?

Good WoW Gold Sites - Which Sites Should I Buy From?

Author: William Kamar

For those of us without the time to grind for hours every week to keep a decent supply of gold for raiding or PvPing, it can be a real life saver being able to buy gold from a currency seller. But which ones are good? There are hundreds of sites available to choose from, and it can be close to impossible to separate the good from the bad. Add in the fact that most people won't give you a personal recommendation, and figuring out which sites are good WoW gold sites can be impossible. Luckily, you've managed to find this article. We'll talk about the key factors that decide whether a site is one of the good WoW gold sites, and discuss a few specific sites that rank high on the quality meter.

The first thing to look at when buying gold-really, when buying anything at all online-is whether or not the site is trustworthy. This can be tricky to determine, but in general big sites that advertise on other sites you trust will be safe. To name a few specific trustworthy sites, IGE and SwagVault often advertise on big, popular MMO sites, and are themselves large, popular gold sellers with almost perfect reputations. Bigger sites like these two also tend to feature industry standard security, and are safe to browse due to a lack of questionable advertisements. So it is usually best to go with a known site.

The second thing to consider is availability. There are some sites with high safety and low prices, but they're constantly running out of gold for certain servers. This can be tricky, but again you will usually do best with a larger site; IGE practically never runs low on gold for any server, and SwagVault very rarely does.

The last thing to consider is, of course, price. Good WoW gold sites generally stick to similar price ranges, with the cheapest being determined by who is running a sale as often as not. It should be noted, however, the IGE is usually one of the cheapest for any server at any time.

If you want specific recommendations, the first two that come to mind are the ones mentioned previously; IGE and SwagVault are both great WoW gold sites, with IGE generally being cheaper, and SwagVault taking more steps to ensure customer privacy and keep your transaction from prying GM eyes.

About the Author:

If you want to read comparison reviews and more about currency sites, check out my blog, where I talk about everything from the best WoW Gold Sites to the first places you can buy AION Kina when it launches.

Article Source: - Good WoW Gold Sites - Which Sites Should I Buy From?


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