Thursday, October 15, 2009

RF Japanese Swords

There are a myriad of different swords used in Japanese history, but there are three core weapons that make up the highest percent. These were carried by the famous and infamous Samurai. These swords included: Katana, Wakizashi and Tanto. In a brief overview I will lay out the differences, situations and uses of these weapons, hopefully broadening your knowledge of the world of weapons in the orient.

First off, the trusty ole Katana. Though the true meaning of this word actually implies any sword whatsoever in the Japanese language, it has come to solely represent the main weapon of Samurai, that being a sword over the length of 60cm (23.6 inches) with a curved blade. This weapon was worn cutting edge up, so when it was drawn from the scabbard one could immediately turn the draw into a strike, taking an opponent by surprise. Iaido is one of many Martial Arts that focus primarily on the act of turning draws into attacks. This weapon was always the first drawn in battle, and would not be dropped unless it proved useless at some point, either through breaking, disarmament, or death.

On the off chance that an opponent managed to disarm a Samurai or break their Katana, the Wakizashi was the next toy up to bat. Wakizashi were the traditional sidearm of Samurai, the pair of swords being called Daisho. Wakizashi are roughly anywhere from 30-60cm in length, and were often used as a tool for the decapitation of opponents at the point of defeat, it being easier to wield one handed whilst the other had was occupied with holding the opponents head up. It is also notable as one of the two weapons used in Seppuku, or ritual suicide.

The other weapon used in this method is the Tanto, a sort of Japanese dagger. Also counted as a sidearm for Samurai, the Tanto gained in popularity as a armor-piercing, or stabbing weapon. Due to the shortness of its blade it was not often used for slashing, but its squat structure allowed a fighter to stab very effectively through the armor plating of an opponent. It was also prized for its ability to be easily concealed.

Though there are a vast number of variations to these weapons, at lest you now have a basic idea of what is what! I can only encourage you to expand your knowledge of the world of swords and put some research of your own into the subject.

Make sure to check out my other stuff, where I write about everything from Roman swords to modern-day armor clothing.


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Ryan's Swords stuff

There are many popular one-two sword combinations utilized throughout the world and its many ages, but one duo stands out as one of the more widely recognized and popular ones. This combinations was used in many old world countries including Italy, France and Spain. Often times a fighter wielding a one handed weapon such as a Rapier found it difficult to both defend and attack effectively, thus, the Main Gauche was born. Literally translating to “Left hand” the Main Gauche was a short, dagger length offhand weapon with the primary use being to parry incoming attacks whilst attacking your opponent with the primary hand weapon, usually a Rapier or Epee.

The Main Gauche was designed to defend specifically against thrusts, having a wider guard and other devices that aided in the defense of the hand of the wielder. This made it an extremely practical tool in duels specifically, seeing as the opponent was most likely using one of the more popular swords of the time such as a Rapier, which is designed particularly for thrust techniques. It was often paired with a quick mainhand weapon, keeping the fighter agile in both his attack and defense and keeping him from becoming unbalanced in his movements.

There were a few popular variants of this type of weapon including the “Sword breaker” style that used slotted or comb style handguards that were designed to catch an opponents sword and hold it in stasis, opening them to offensive strikes. Whether or not the Sword breakers could in fact break a sword is disputed between scholars. There also existed a “Trident” style, possessing a three-pronged blade style that was proven to be more often successful in catching an opponents weapon.

Though popular in the middle ages, the use of a offhand weapon has dwindled in modern day sports fighting, mostly due to the use of lighter and faster weapons such as the foil. Its use is forbidden in most official sports fighting establishments. It is, however, utilized to this day in some more true-to-history fighting venues such as the SCA where the style has been dubbed “Florentine Style”, and it also maintains popularity in media culture as a “Dual Wield” style in many popular games and films.

Whether you yourself can appreciate the beauty and use of a Main Gauche, no one can deny that it makes up a good bit of sword history in Europe. Honor all styles!

Make sure to check out my other stuff, where I write about everything from Roman swords to modern-day armor clothing.


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RF : Bad Enough?

One question I have for you. Are you a bad enough dude to wear armored clothing!? Seriously, I kid you not, there is now bulletproof clothing! Nothing says “hardass” better than taking a shot in the chest from a pistol and NOT GOING DOWN. Why wouldnt you go down, you ask? Simple. Because you are a bad dude. A really bad dude. One that looked up armored or bulletproof clothing and bought it. Then wore it. Then got shot in the damn chest. And thusly did not go down.

That is right! Bullets are now obsolete! Some punk giving you hell every time you stop by your local gas station, but you are too afraid to give him shit back? You never know who is packing these days, but now that doesnt even matter! Bulletproof clothing! Give that ass some sass back and let him tear out his nine on you! He will take his shot, see that you are impervious, and then promptly pass the hell out due to sheer shock! Or, you can take advantage of his incoherent state and boot him in the chest while he stands in sheer awe of you Bad Duditude!

Paired up with Dick Cheney or some other crappy hunting partner that you cannot trust with a firearm for more than a moment? Protect your badass ass with some bulletproof pants! Think of the hilarity of someone accidentally popping off their firearm into your bum and your only response being to turn around and backhand them across the face! Super Badass!

Or maybe you are involved in a local uprising, caught between some crossfire in your local Wal-Mart. Arent you glad you got ahold of a bulletproof jacket!? One that not only looks badass just like any other leather jacket, but can also impart the attributes of a damn superman!? You are damn right you are happy. You know what else you are!? A survivor!

Be a Bad Dude. An awesome Bad Dude, and look up some bulletproof clothing right now! Right this very second! Stop reading! What are you doing!? Click a link or something and check this stuff out for Chrissake! Seriously, I will shoot you through your monitor! Oh wait, but if you are wearing bulletproof clothing it will not affect you! God, what a hardass you are! In your bulletproof clothing!

Make sure to check out my other stuff, where I write about everything from Roman swords to modern-day armor clothing.


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Something from Anthony 2

Let me tell you of my first experience buying a sex toy. I was 19 and my sex life was getting rather bland, so I thought I’d get a toy. I didn’t want to tell my girlfriend; rather I wanted to surprise her. So, I decided the easiest way of doing this was online.

I spent the first twenty minutes or so just looking into the different toys. Afterwards, feeling good about things, I’d decided on getting a vibrator egg; an easy to use, easy to clean cheap thing. To help keep my business hidden, I’d been deleting my browser history, and I’d ordered the packaging in a simple brown paper wrap. The order was going to take a couple of days to arrive; I could barely contain my excitement.

I hadn’t been quite as careful as I thought, or perhaps I was a little too careful. My girlfriend knew I wads hiding something from her, but she didn’t know exactly what. She began to check my browser history and cell phone when I’d go to bed. She found the gaps in the history and assumed I’d been on dating sites, or Facebook stalking some other girl.

Things like this don’t sit well with anyone, so a day before the order arrives she sits me down to have a talk. She tells me she knows what I’m doing and thinks it’s got to stop; she isn’t going to play that sort of game and I know it. I am confused by this, I was thinking she’s talking about the toy, that I’ve been found out. I try to explain to her there’s nothing wrong with it. I try to tell her that things like this are perfectly normal and in fact far better with the addition, we’re living in the modern age after all.

You can imagine how well this sits with her. She slaps me and storms out of the room. I’m still confused but I chase after her and tell her it’s just a toy.

Within the hour she’s come back to get her stuff and I’m trying to ask her what’s so wrong with sex toys, vibrators and the like. She’s sporting deadpan at this point, very skeptical. I explain to her that I’d been looking up and vibrators and I’d bought one because I wanted to add a bit of spice to our boring sex life. She’s looking a little less skeptical, so I take her to the computer and show her my bank account’s history, where I’d bought the toy and told her it was going to arrive the next day.

Within two days she’s a much much happier lady, and is now the one buying sex toys. Moral of the story is: Discuss things with your partners, folks.

If you are looking for a good place to buy toys online, you can read this review of some sites that sell vibraters and more.


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Something From Anthony 1

Before you write of sex toys as something for men with small genitals consider one major point. When a woman pleases herself she’s much more likely to use a vibrator than she is her hands. Have I got your attention? Using sex toys isn’t just for the especially perverse; it is in fact the key to pleasing a girl to the fullest.

Firstly, if you’re still interested (which you must be to read this far) you must be curious enough to give it a shot, no? The first step to take is to decide what sort of toy you’ll be wanting. There are many things to choose from, and you’re probably not comfortable with some of them, and other just isn’t what you’ll want to use. A great majority of the toys are just variations of the original vibrator, with some extra part or maybe with a few extra settings. In my honest opinion you can’t beat the vibrating egg, it’s just big enough for what you need it for, easy to clean, and even easier to use (the prices are good too).

Once you’ve decided which one to get you still have to decide whether or not you’ll get it online. You’re already searching for them online in the first place, and the internet has that certain anonymity you can get when you buy from a public store (though it is a great idea to support your local stores). Keep in mind the quality of the product of the site you’re buying from, but otherwise a great majority of the places are sufficient.

Get a feel for the toy, and experiment with it, you’ve paid money for it. Study up on how it works, and how other people have used it before. Simplest explanation possible: apply directly to sensitive areas. Once you’ve got your own you can pretty much do nothing new beyond working the toy into your relations. They don’t change too much beyond that.

Still, you’re really missing out on a lot of things without one. Once you’ve discovered one new interest, you can start dabbling into more exotic and interesting hobbies. Just remember to keep things legal.

Be careful where you store the thing, you wouldn’t want someone finding your sexy underwear; you wouldn’t want someone to know you’ve got a vibrator. It can be a pretty awkward situation. Though, that can be an interesting roleplay…

If you are looking for a good place to buy toys online, you can read this review of some sites that sell vibraters and more.


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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Breaking the Taboo on Sex Toys

So you’ve been thinking that maybe you should try to spice up your sex life with toys, but aren’t sure whether or not doing so is right for you? Some of us might feel a bit weird about the whole thought; there is a bit of a stigma attached to people who use such things, as many view the use of sex toys as something belonging to the realm of perversion.

Well, let’s think about this for a second. Is it really a bad thing to try to make your sex life more interesting and fresh? Adding toys can revive a relationship that has been growing weak on the physical side as each party grows too familiar and begin to lose that ‘new’ interest that made the relationship so fun at first. As much as we like to think we are above such things, it is a fact that most people often find themselves growing bored with sex with their long-term partners, resulting in a loss of passion and often the cooling of the relationship as a whole. But with sex toys and other things around to keep things new and fresh, a relationship’s physical side can stay lively—meaning the relationship as a whole stays healthy and fun.

So sex toys aren’t inherently bad—but even for those who agree with that thought, the question of WHAT is allowed can vary greatly from person to person. Is it acceptable for a man to use toys? The stigma is that many associate such things with homosexuality. Ignoring the question of whether sexuality matters all that much, the fact remains that taking advantage of your bodies physical reactions to stimulus has nothing to do with sexuality; using a toy is something completely asexual, and any noteworthy sexuality found in the act of using them is totally dependent upon the genders of the people involved.

Finally, for a bit of a warning. The last thing anyone looking to buy a toy should consider is what you as a person are comfortable with. You aren’t going to enjoy a sex act that is completely grossing you or your partner out(usually). So don’t just get whatever is selling well; think about what you want to try, and discuss it with your partner. Find something the two(or more) of you can enjoy. Mild embarrassment is one thing; complete disgust is another.

If you are looking for a good place to buy toys online, you can read this review of some sites that sell vibraters and more.


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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Retaking The Streets

We call this a time of progress. A time in which we have made leaps and bounds both socially and techniclogically. Yet, in the dark ages peasants lived in constant fear of rogue knights, bandits and the elements. Now, the modern civilian takes place of the peasant caste, but do they live in a sense of safety? Rogue knights and bandits fell, but we have let rise thugs, gangs, violent offenders, etc. Change the name all you want, but we still live in a time of fear. Fear of those who have no qualms with pulling the innocent apart with superior weaponry, savagery born of lackadaisical morals, and easy access to their tools of oppression and fear.

Should the modern civilian stand by and allow this? I most certainly think not. Now is the time to rise up, becoming more than the average modern man. We must rekindle our courage and arm ourselves justly and appropriately to the daily threats that beset us. Our solutions are simple, really.

Martial Arts and Self-Defense classes are as readily available as they were in times of old. This is a very simple method of gaining not only the skills and techniques that could save your or the life of another less capable than yourself. Also it allows one to build the confidence and stability that marks a strong individual. The difference between a thug and a hero is simple. Aside from their difference in moral stance, thugs are cowards. It is easy to judge and gauge the strength of individual on sight, and holding yourself with a confident and strong air can deter attacks on you. Yes, simply the aura of one who is confident in their strength can stop an attack!

We must also look to being better prepared in a material sense. Self defense tools are everywhere and easy to access. The kubaton, a popular and very effective self-defense tool is a mere few clicks away from your internet browser. Or more intensive defense may be in order, such as a taser or stun baton. They even make clothing that looks completely normal in every way; aside from the fact that it holds within a material hard enough to stop bullets and knives! That is right, we now have open access to bulletproof clothing!

We must act fast to arm ourselves better! We must retake our streets and stop this timeless madness that threatens ours and the lives of our loved ones!

Make sure to check out my other stuff, where I write about everything from Roman swords to modern-day armor clothing.


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Modern Defense Self Preservation for the Stylin

We live in a feral and dangerous world. Kids are no longer armed with the slingshot from Grandpas attic, but now wield knives and guns. Gangs are in full form, completely disregarding all law, and in fact get off on spitting in the face of innocence and justice. Desperate men are getting more desperate by the day, and civilian options are getting sparse in the way of self-defense in these times. Whether you are a socially important man, working for the goals of society, or an everyman just trying to get through day to day living, we are all concerned for our own well being and the truth is we have few ways to feel safe.

Unfortunately we would look undoubtedly foolish, not to mention extremely suspicious if we walked about town geared to the teeth in a full set of body armor. In fact, one would doubt that it would be allowed, really. Thankfully, we do have an option or two in this regard. There are companies that use technology not to craft weapons, but craft armors. Things to protect ourselves with and keep ourselves safe from our ferocious brethren. There are companies offering bulletproof safety in the form of day-to-day wear.

One can now garb himself in tangible safety without drawing attention to yourself, or wandering into the eyes of suspicious lawmen. Bulletproof clothing has improved in leaps and bounds, offering seemingly normal garments that provide protection from standard gunfire, and even high powered armor-piercing rounds! Not to mention, the clothing offered up is rather snazzy to boot! Prefer to keep your wardrobe as it is, but still want to better defend yourself? There are shockingly conceal able vests offered as well, easily slipped under your day to day wear and still providing superior defense.

Garments are custom-fitted, assuring comfort and style and avoiding the “bulky” look that most armored gear boasts. And the armored plates are removable, and replaceable if you decide you need to upgrade the plates to a higher armor level. Armor levels vary from knife-proof, to AP ammo proof! Thats some serious defense!

You could assume that this type of technology would be extremely expensive, however, this uses pre-existing technology that and is rather affordable even to the average citizen.

Take the first step in becoming a safer and more confident individual by taking the time to look into this quickly growing phenomenon!

Make sure to check out my other stuff, where I write about everything from Roman swords to modern-day armor clothing.


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Defensive Power What happened to armor?

Craftsmen spent hours upon hours pouring their sweat, blood and time into the creation of tools used to protect, conquer and project the will of strong men to great heights. To this day even the everyman pays homage to this craft; however the focus has shifted to shine light on those who create weapons. A noble craft indeed, but we neglect those that focus on saving others, those that create armor or defensive tools.

How has armor fallen out of the limelight? When was it decided that the tool used to destroy was the far superior side of the coin? One could say that with the creation of firepower armor became obsolete, but then we still created Kevlar and other forms of bulletproof gears. Also, we still see those that purchase swords, knives, axes and other “old world” or forged weapons. So why not armors as well? Armor was a source of pride for owners, often displaying a family coat of arms, or an insignia of their lord, boasting beautiful designs and brilliant decorum.

We must preserve and honor this dying craft. Once again find our hearts drawn to the splendor and glory of man-made armors, crafted with a deft hand and a careful eye. No warrior is complete without proper gear, and this extends beyond the sword he carries to the cuirass he trusts to stop a deathblow, the greaves he shod so as to tread uncaring across a torn battlefield, the helm that he dons so he can face the might of his opponent unfettered by fear.

Even the collectors of today have trained their eye onto weaponry, forsaking armor. Unfortunately this leaves their collections lacking, for no collection can shine fully without a full set. Collecting weapons only can be said to be akin to buying a car without the engine, or a horse with no legs. The collector is missing out on the full picture, only taking care to notice the more media-fueled portions of the craft they pay homage to.

I would encourage any who count themselves among those who fight, whether it be in the ways of the old, or the ways of the new, to be the proud owner of his own armor. Take pride in it; allow it to house his soul just as he does so with his weapon. Even the collector should take care to flesh out his collection, painting the full picture of the art of war and not just a half vision.

Make sure to check out my other stuff, where I write about everything from Roman swords to modern-day armor clothing.


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Something from Ryan

Laymans Dojo
Article II (Japanese)

We have so far covered the basics of a Japanese sword, getting to know the parts and what type of metal to look for in reference to your use of the weapon. Now we will delve further and take a look at the next step. Where do you find a weapon best suited for you and your needs. I will split this up into two parts, one for collectors and one for warriors or those who plan to train with their weapon.


Allright guys, here we go. There is a rather large variety of locations to scope out for some really top-notch, beautiful weaponry. Starting with the first and most obvious: the internet.

We are using it right now. Pretty easy, fast, and unparalleled in its range and versatility, the internet is a goldmine when looking for good weapons. You can find weapons on multiple sites. I usually do not reccomend Ebay. There is always a chance that you will end up with something less than what you want, and it all turns into a large hassle. However, if the user is reliable (Check their status and the comments other buyers have posted concerning them extensively) then you may have a green light. But mostly I prefer sites that feature weaponry exclusively. Just toss out a google search for swords and you will most likely come up with a few sites. Using the previous article, you know that Stainless is the steel for you, so keep an eye out for the material used in forging (Go 440-C if possible!).

The good thing about collecting: your price range is very flexible. If you have lots of money to pour into your collection, you can really go for gold and rock out some fine pieces. But on the flipside, if you are a collector just starting out, or one working on a budget you can really still find some fine pieces. Just have to dig deeper. Always keep an eye on swords that the maker is willing to give its history. When it was forged, where, how; the whole nine yards. These will more often prove to be a treasure amongst your collection rather than a piece you end up throwing in the miscellaneous pile.

Also, keep your eye out for Renaissance Fairs and functions. This is an amazing place that offers hands on buying and direct discussion with the artist that made the weapons.

Fighters and Martial Artists:

Now for you guys I have this to say: Be prepared to spend some money. You can use the same guidelines of where to buy as stated above in the Collector section, but you have to keep in mind that Stainless Steel is NOT for you. The metal is too brittle for the day to day wear and tear. You will need to scope out for Carbon or Damascus steels which are a much more valuable metal. If you are working on a budget I would recommend looking up Bokken, or wooden Katana. These are durable, afford a relatively good feel when compared with a real sword and are inexpensive. Come back to looking for a real battle-ready sword when you can afford it, and for now practice with a bokken until that time comes. These are a pretty acceptable substitute (Not to mention safer!). Now, when buying a sword geared for training or battle, keep an eye on the swords tang. It MUST be full tang. Anything less is going to fall apart on you! With the steel and tang in mind, you should be armed with the knowledge to get a decent weapon. Price ranges will vary from two hundred to thousands of dollars. Nothing wrong with a cheaper one. Get what you can afford, be proud of it and care for it diligently. This weapon is an extension of yourself, so find something you can bond with as a Martial Artist.

Make sure to check out my other stuff, where I write about everything from Roman swords to modern-day armor clothing.


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WTF? Anthony strikes again.

Cookies are fucking delicious. I’m going to ramble for four hundred words, and I’m going to do my best to make each sentence a fucking wordy as humanly possible. Actually, I won’t. I’m rather lazy.

Should you find yourself confronted by a bear, give the fuck up, bears kill for fun. Either that or the skins, I hear that the buffalo buy skins. The Walrus is truly nature’s most majestic animal. I’ve eventually got to start writing properly on vibrators and the like, but until then (then being when I’ve finally sat down and studied on them) I’ll be kind of ranting and rambling from one topic to the next.

Delicious tea and delicious ice cream and delicious chicken are all good things. One should try to be a decent person, because perfection is impossible. At least, perfection is such an abstract term the closer one comes to it the less one is who they were when they started, and they’ve developed entirely new personality traits and with them a whole new set of problems. Listening to music may soothe the soul, but death metal does not. Does that mean it isn’t music…?

It’s only a matter of time until the end of the world, but it’s a ridiculous concept. For starters, what people refer to as the end of the world is more than likely not actually the end of the world but of the human race. Humans are important and all that. Even what we think of as the end of the world will most likely end up being the end of one civilization and the beginnings of another.

War is terrible for morale and morals but make for great economic stimulation. Self stimulation is healthy, and people who think otherwise are either sheltered or fucking retarded. Even if someone goes by the teachings of the Bible and its followers it’s still stated time and time again things are only bad when taken to the limit. It’s fine to do the things you want within reason, within moderation.

If you’re going to do things that might be considered wrong by others the best choice when confronted is to be as forward as possible, state why what you’re doing isn’t wrong in your eyes. Unless it involves thing that are universally wrong; rape and murder without cause.

Do thing that amuse you and you’ll live a happier life. Live without compromise only if you intend to die alone and wealthy. Compromise is a beautiful thing because if you start out with outrageous demands you can end up with what you want and you don’t have to back down too far.

I’m so ballin’.

Also, make sure you buy some vibraters. I need the money.


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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Public Masterbation ;o

Proper etiquette for masturbating in public is not quite what you’d think. Half of doing it is being so very jumpy and paranoid that you aren’t going to get caught because you’re stopping every time someone comes within 10 paces, and the other half comes from being charismatic in the event you are caught.

The trick to not getting caught is to try standing someplace out of sight, or at least where half of you is hidden. Once you have this it’s only a matter of how long it takes you personally to finish. A good point to bring up is what you’ll actually be doing with… your finished product, but to each his own. The three options are: tissue, letting it go wherever, and eating it. Again, do whatever you feel you should, personal preference taking priority here.

As for the charisma, there are a few ways you can chalk it up. You can lie about whatever you’re doing; you can be honest and go for shock factor. It’s actually a matter of how well you reacted to being found out. If you’re caught with your dick in your hand it’s over man. If, however, you’re merely caught with a flushed face and heavy breaths claim some sort of illness. Either way, getting away as quickly as possible is the best idea from this point.

All in all, masturbation in public is a terrible idea. I’m honestly saying you shouldn’t do it. In fact, if the urge strikes you so badly, the only place proper for such an act is the bathroom, stall preferred. Its one thing to have sex in public, where it’s frowned upon but not creepy, but masturbation in public is just downright nasty. Keep things clean, bro.

Though, the idea of impromptu masturbation can make for some amusing situations for everyone but you. Imagine walking in on your college professor with his dick in his hand and a cucumber up his ass. Hilarity ensues. I think this article is a winner. It has directions for prison worthy offences and it doesn’t afraid of anything. I think I should rant and rant and rant until I hit 400 words, or until I decide to rewrite it. I sure hope I don’t have to rewrite this, that wouldn’t be very fun. Tea is pretty fucking delicious. Shitfucker is now a word in my Microsoft Word. I’m so ballin’.

For those of you too cowardly to McGuyver up your sex life, I guess you can might find it more useful to just read this review of some sites that sell vibraters.


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Anthony Travis' Weird Ramblings 2

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Anthony Travis' Weird Ramblings 1

I’d like to discuss some impractical uses for household items, namely for masturbating. Now, you’d think this is a terrible idea, and you’d be right, but it’s far funnier to go against what you think. It’s funnier for everyone else when they find out about it, anyway.

Back to the topic a hand, I’ll get to the first of the room you may find impromptu sex toys; the kitchen. One of the biggest categories you’ll find the best items if the vegetables. Carrots make good starter toys, as they’re not quite as thick as some other choices, making them easier to work with than others. The biggest drawback, however, is that they’re rather fragile. Breaking a carrot off into you is never a good idea; believe me (though you can put a condom on it as a failsafe). Still, the carrot is easy to acquire and easier to use. Just touch yourself in places your religious leader would frown on!

The next choice, and quite the popular one, is the cucumber. Now, cucumbers are much thicker than carrots so they aren’t exactly for those starting out using household items, but it can be especially satisfying if you happen to have stretched yourself beyond what a carrot can please. The first thing to do is peel it, the bumps on the outside of a cucumber can do more damage to your soft inner tissues than you’d think just looking at it. Use a small sharp knife to remove the skin. Now, one of the bigger problems with cucumbers is the same as with carrots. They can be brittle, and breaking a vegetable off inside of you is a nightmare. Keep a condom on it while using one for security.

The most convenient thing about using food items is that you can dispose of them without attracting attention, they’re just foods, and nobody will look at you oddly if you buy a cucumber. Though a great idea is to buy similar things, just going to the grocery and buying phallic foods might get you some stares, and even burned at the stake.

Some good items found in the living room include: cell phones charging, video game controllers, and spare vibrators. Cell phones are the weaker choice, but work nonetheless as they have a vibrate function. Remember to keep clean if you intend to use them for other things, like calling people. Controllers can be a good idea if you’ve got a vibrate button, or are playing a particularly awesome game. Vibrators are good, end of story.

Next time, we discuss better choices, and some terrible ones. Enjoy your masturbation, asshats.

For those of you too cowardly to McGuyver up your sex life, I guess you can might find it more useful to just read this review of some sites that sellvibraters.


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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Layman's Dojo - Japanese Edition (Katana)

How would you be able to identify the quality of a weapon without first knowing what to look for? In this first article we will briefly cover the parts of a sword and the best metals to look for with your intent toward the weapon in mind.

First, lets lay down the groundwork with a bit of terminology:

-Kissaki- The tip of the blade, also known as “Sharp pointy end”
-Boshi- This is the curved edge of metal leading from the Kissaki to the edge (Cutting side) of your weapon.
-Hamon- This is the wavy pattern on the sword caused by the cooling process during forging. It has little to do with the quality of the weapon (Except for some exceptions), but is a major value in regard to aesthetics (i.e. It’s what makes it pretty), and is something to look out for if you are a Collector.
-Mune- This is the back of the katana. (The not cutting side)
-Hi- The groove running down the spine of the blade; also called “Blood groove”
-Ha- The cutting edge of the katana. This is obviously important, seeing as it is the major funtion of the weapon.
-Habaki- The blade collar. (A band of metal wrapped around the bottom of the blade, adding stability and aesthetics)
-Tsuba- The hand guard, seperating your fists from the offending blade of an opponent.
-Tsuka- The “handle”. Where the posessor holds the sword.
-Tsuka Ito- This is the wrapping that goes around the handle, adding grip and possibly aesthetics.
-Kashira- The pommel, or “Butt End” of the sword.
-Tang- The portion of the blade that runs through the handle, there are a few variants.
-Full Tang- Neccesary for those of you who will be actually using this weapon, as it ensures a durable and well made sword that is not going to bust apart on the first unlucky tree that you go whacking at!
-Half Tang- On this type of blade, the tang only goes halfway through the handle, not affording much in the way of stability, but no big deal for those of you who are collecting.

Allright, with that down pat we can get into the materials used, and what types are best for your intent. There are many metals and variations of formula used in sword smithing, I will cover just a few. We can break things up simply with a question of “Stainless Steel, versus Carbon Steel”

-Stainless Steel- These are swords used primarily in decoration only. They are not suitable for use in combat or the rigors of day to day practice. (If the weapons states 440 Stainless, keep an eye out for 440-C, it is more durable and higher quality than 440-B or A
-Carbon Steel-These are the more usable weapons, being able to survive some tough love from the owner, and should hold up well in combat environments.

Keep reading to find out more, from Roman swords to Italian fencing techniques!


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Layman's Dojo Introduction

The arts of sword crafting and swordplay are ancient ones. Traditions that are still enjoyed to this day, whether by a spirited Martial Artist, an avid Collector, or even as a casual side hobby or interest. The world of swords is vast, complex, and unfortunately hard to crack into if one is unaware of what to look for.

Most people who first show interest in collecting swords, or buying one to begin training with couldn’t tell you which side is up, let alone perform a proper swing. This series of articles is geared toward those who are interested in acquiring their first sword, showing them what to look for in a proper blade (What makes it battle ready), where to find it, and then a simple guide to learning the basics of swordplay. There will be two series in concern to this: the first dealing with Asian style blades, the second concerning European weapons. There could be a discussion held for days upon days concerning which of these style of weapons is superior, but I will not in any way express a bias toward one or the other. It is this author’s opinion that style matters much less than the skill of the wielder, and thusly the aim of these articles is only to inform in a clear, simple and concise method (In “Layman’s terms”)

The First article of each series will explain the parts of a sword, how it is forged and put together, and what to look out for when purchasing a blade of your very own.

The Second article will give you some ideas of good places to scope out for your sword. Where to shop, how to find out if the source is reliable, and how much you should be paying based on your intended use of the weapon.

The Third article will give you an overlay of how to care for your weapon. Keeping it in top shape only makes sense if you are going to shell out the cash to get it in the first place!

The Fourth article will get into basic technique. Stances, attacking, blocking, counters, etc.

By the end of the fourth article, it is the goal of this author to have properly armed the reader with the knowledge necessary to spot a good weapon, the skill to wield it, and the understanding of how to care for it.

So, if your interest is piqued, please, step into my Dojo.

Read on to find out all about swords, from Japanese KAtana to Roman swords.


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Friday, October 2, 2009

Maplestory Mesos for Sale

For anyone looking for Maplestory Mesos for sale, it is important to find the best sites to buy from. There are at least a hundred sites of varying quality all claiming they are the absolute best place to buy your mesos, but most of them are medocre at best, and some are flat out scams--the site will take your money and give you the run around, or they'll use your information a few months down the line and run you dry.

All of this can be avoided though with a little careful study of the best sites, so you don't end up with a terrible site.

The site I personally use is SwagVault, so I will be using it as an example of a good site that has Maplestory Mesos for sale. The first thing to note is that the site is safe to buy from; you aren't going to be in any danger of any sort of shenanigans if you are buying from SwagVault. Other safe sites can be found by asking around, if SwagVault isn't your cup of tea for one reason or another.

The second thing is price. Good sites tend to have similar prices; more often than not you'll only save a dollow at the most unless you are buying a ton of mesos or the site you buy from is running a sale of some sort. So really, price isn't THAT important; as long as it isn't an obviously overpriced site, it should be worth giving a check, since other things are more important than price.

The last thing I like to check for is whether the site is careful about keeping sales private. Good sites don't do risky stuff, and thus don't put their customers at risk. Risky behavior includes a ton of things, including in-game ads and the like. Also, sites that aren’t careful with the method they use to send you or give you their mesos can be a problem to buy from. SwagVault is my favorite because they are so very careful in this area.

I hope you know what to look for in a good site now. If you don’t want to hunt down sites on your own, I recommend just using SwagVault, as it is a pretty good site with decent prices and high safety ratings.

If you want to read comparison reviews and more about currency sites, check out my blog, where I talk about everything from the best WoW Gold Sites to the first places you can buy AION Kinah when it launches.


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