Firstly, if you’re still interested (which you must be to read this far) you must be curious enough to give it a shot, no? The first step to take is to decide what sort of toy you’ll be wanting. There are many things to choose from, and you’re probably not comfortable with some of them, and other just isn’t what you’ll want to use. A great majority of the toys are just variations of the original vibrator, with some extra part or maybe with a few extra settings. In my honest opinion you can’t beat the vibrating egg, it’s just big enough for what you need it for, easy to clean, and even easier to use (the prices are good too).
Once you’ve decided which one to get you still have to decide whether or not you’ll get it online. You’re already searching for them online in the first place, and the internet has that certain anonymity you can get when you buy from a public store (though it is a great idea to support your local stores). Keep in mind the quality of the product of the site you’re buying from, but otherwise a great majority of the places are sufficient.
Get a feel for the toy, and experiment with it, you’ve paid money for it. Study up on how it works, and how other people have used it before. Simplest explanation possible: apply directly to sensitive areas. Once you’ve got your own you can pretty much do nothing new beyond working the toy into your relations. They don’t change too much beyond that.
Still, you’re really missing out on a lot of things without one. Once you’ve discovered one new interest, you can start dabbling into more exotic and interesting hobbies. Just remember to keep things legal.
Be careful where you store the thing, you wouldn’t want someone finding your sexy underwear; you wouldn’t want someone to know you’ve got a vibrator. It can be a pretty awkward situation. Though, that can be an interesting roleplay…
If you are looking for a good place to buy toys online, you can read this review of some sites that sell vibraters and more.
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