How has armor fallen out of the limelight? When was it decided that the tool used to destroy was the far superior side of the coin? One could say that with the creation of firepower armor became obsolete, but then we still created Kevlar and other forms of bulletproof gears. Also, we still see those that purchase swords, knives, axes and other “old world” or forged weapons. So why not armors as well? Armor was a source of pride for owners, often displaying a family coat of arms, or an insignia of their lord, boasting beautiful designs and brilliant decorum.
We must preserve and honor this dying craft. Once again find our hearts drawn to the splendor and glory of man-made armors, crafted with a deft hand and a careful eye. No warrior is complete without proper gear, and this extends beyond the sword he carries to the cuirass he trusts to stop a deathblow, the greaves he shod so as to tread uncaring across a torn battlefield, the helm that he dons so he can face the might of his opponent unfettered by fear.
Even the collectors of today have trained their eye onto weaponry, forsaking armor. Unfortunately this leaves their collections lacking, for no collection can shine fully without a full set. Collecting weapons only can be said to be akin to buying a car without the engine, or a horse with no legs. The collector is missing out on the full picture, only taking care to notice the more media-fueled portions of the craft they pay homage to.
I would encourage any who count themselves among those who fight, whether it be in the ways of the old, or the ways of the new, to be the proud owner of his own armor. Take pride in it; allow it to house his soul just as he does so with his weapon. Even the collector should take care to flesh out his collection, painting the full picture of the art of war and not just a half vision.
Make sure to check out my other stuff, where I write about everything from Roman swords to modern-day armor clothing.
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