Should you find yourself confronted by a bear, give the fuck up, bears kill for fun. Either that or the skins, I hear that the buffalo buy skins. The Walrus is truly nature’s most majestic animal. I’ve eventually got to start writing properly on vibrators and the like, but until then (then being when I’ve finally sat down and studied on them) I’ll be kind of ranting and rambling from one topic to the next.
Delicious tea and delicious ice cream and delicious chicken are all good things. One should try to be a decent person, because perfection is impossible. At least, perfection is such an abstract term the closer one comes to it the less one is who they were when they started, and they’ve developed entirely new personality traits and with them a whole new set of problems. Listening to music may soothe the soul, but death metal does not. Does that mean it isn’t music…?
It’s only a matter of time until the end of the world, but it’s a ridiculous concept. For starters, what people refer to as the end of the world is more than likely not actually the end of the world but of the human race. Humans are important and all that. Even what we think of as the end of the world will most likely end up being the end of one civilization and the beginnings of another.
War is terrible for morale and morals but make for great economic stimulation. Self stimulation is healthy, and people who think otherwise are either sheltered or fucking retarded. Even if someone goes by the teachings of the Bible and its followers it’s still stated time and time again things are only bad when taken to the limit. It’s fine to do the things you want within reason, within moderation.
If you’re going to do things that might be considered wrong by others the best choice when confronted is to be as forward as possible, state why what you’re doing isn’t wrong in your eyes. Unless it involves thing that are universally wrong; rape and murder without cause.
Do thing that amuse you and you’ll live a happier life. Live without compromise only if you intend to die alone and wealthy. Compromise is a beautiful thing because if you start out with outrageous demands you can end up with what you want and you don’t have to back down too far.
I’m so ballin’.
Also, make sure you buy some vibraters. I need the money.
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